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Galaxy Commanders Web3 Space Battle Game by NCSoft, EA, and Nexon Veterans Tap Immutable zkEVM

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    Galaxy Commanders will leverage the full power of Immutable's next-gen Ethereum scaling solution to take the upcoming competitive PvP real-time battle game to the next level

    , /PRNewswire/ -- Galaxy Commanders, an upcoming, competitive web3-based mobile/PC game founded by Electronic Arts, NCSoft, and Nexon veterans, has teamed up with Immutable, the leading web3 gaming platform, to build out its vision for the Interstellar odyssey via Immutable zkEVM.

    Galaxy Commanders is a competitive Player-versus-Player (PvP) game with immersive space battles and cooperative planetary conquests where gamers can collect unique battleships to build their own customized fleet. By leveraging countless inventive tactics and strategies, players will need to outsmart their opponents during fast-paced battles to take down their adversary's main ship.

    The game will feature a plethora of unique battleships — each with its own unique visuals, specifications, and upgradable skills — and a variety of other types of upgrades in the form of fully ownable digital NFTs while remaining accessible to a wide range of gamers and sci-fi enthusiasts. Meanwhile, Galaxy Commanders' main in-game currency, Dimensium, will play a key role in supporting the game's internal economy by creating a solid economic foundation and providing value to users through gameplay.

    The partnership with Immutable will allow MagmaByte to leverage the full power of Immutable zkEVM, a next-gen Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution, purpose-built for game development that offers low cost, massive scale, enterprise-grade security, and Ethereum smart contract compatibility.

    "Immutable zkEVM was developed from the ground up to tackle the most pressing issues in the web3 gaming industry, including scaling and user onboarding, and we are excited that our studio partners are choosing it for their projects," said Andrew Sorokovsky,  VP of Global Business Development at Immutable. "We are delighted to welcome MagmaByte, which touts decades of combined experience in AAA projects, to the Immutable family of games, and we can't wait to see Galaxy Commanders develop and take flight."

    Galaxy Commanders' developer MagmaByte has brought together a core team of gaming industry professionals with 15-20 years of experience working with major gaming studios and developers, including Nexon, Neowiz, EA, and NCSoft. MagmaByte's seasoned professionals have worked on renowned projects across numerous genres, including MMORPGs, action, and RPG games, including Nexon's hit series MapleStory Mobile, a casual social game with over 20 million accumulated users; I Love Coffee; and Lost Ark, a widely popular action-RPG that has reached a peak of 1.3 million concurrent players on Steam.

    Further, MagmaByte Founder John Lee boasts half a decade of experience as a Team Manager of the mobile publishing division at Nexon. He was also the Director of Aiming Korea, the Head of Game Biz at Linekong Interactive Group, and a co-founder of Netblue Games. Similarly, MagmaByte's CSO and co-founder Taewoon Yoon spent nearly five years as Associate Producer leading online initiatives at EA Korea and EA Asia Pacific.

    "We at MagmaByte are thrilled to be partnering with Immutable, bringing Galaxy Commanders to their leading blockchain ecosystem," noted MagmaByte Founder John Lee. "Our decision was guided by Immutable's robust focus on gaming and the genuine passion that their team brings to the table. Together, we hope to push the boundaries of Web3 games, making them accessible and exciting for a more expansive gaming community."

    By leveraging Immutable zkEVM, MagmaByte will gain access to the full suite and solutions it needs to overcome the scalability challenges of Ethereum while offering higher transaction capacity and lower fees at the same time. After evaluating numerous options, MagmaByte chose Immutable zkEVM as the ideal solution for web3 game development due to Immutable's gaming-centric approach and commitment to making development and onboarding frictionless and easy.

    Another powerful tool available to MagmaByte is the Immutable Passport wallet, a game-changer in crypto gaming that epitomizes simplicity and a user-friendly approach, featuring seamless fiat integration and crypto transactions, non-custodial control, and streamlined login with email verification.

    "The Immutable team has a deep passion for games and a thorough understanding of the industry, which is evident by the solutions they provide," added MagmaByte CSO and co-founder Taewoon Yoon. "Another aspect that truly sets Immutable apart is their vibrant and engaged community. Being part of the Immutable community means having access to a network of fellow gamers who are passionate about pushing the boundaries of the gaming industry. The impressive track record of Immutable in facilitating over $1 billion in funding for games also further solidifies their strong commitment to the new Immutable zkEVM chain."

    MagmaByte is currently conducting a highly anticipated investment round, with renowned early-stage VC firm Shima Capital leading the way. The round has already attracted significant interest from potential investors and partners, such as Neptune Company, METABORA, and Neopin, highlighting the strong appeal and potential of Galaxy Commanders.

    About Immutable Games
    Immutable Games is a global leader in web3 game development and publishing, backed by a world-class team who have proven track records of bringing games to millions of players. As the gaming-focused arm of Immutable, the leading web3 gaming company, Immutable Games has pioneered the world's first blockbuster NFT trading-card game Gods Unchained and is currently building the highly anticipated mobile RPG Guild of Guardians.

    Alongside its own high-quality titles, Immutable Games partners with third-party game developers to provide them with best-in-class strategy and execution expertise aimed at ensuring the success of every web3 game deployed within the Immutable ecosystem. 

    Immutable Games is guided by its mission to redefine gaming for generations to come, by developing innovative and engaging experiences that empower players with true ownership, value, and creative expression.

    For more information, please visit: https://www.immutable.com/games-studio 

    Join the Immutable community on Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram and Youtube

    About Galaxy Commanders
    Galaxy Commanders offers a competitive PvP experience set against a sci-fi universe. With a myriad of distinctive battleships and units at players' disposal, they can customize their own fleet and participate in exhilarating space battles. MagmaByte, the developer behind Galaxy Commanders, aims to lead the industry by seamlessly integrating competitive games with new technologies and ideas that redefine the boundaries of traditional gaming.

    SOURCE Immutable


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